Tuesday, November 11, 2008

5 Healthy Habits to stay Green in the Winter Blues

What are some healthy habits that you can work into your daily routine if the weather is so ch-ch-chilly as it is here in Milwaukee?

1. Eating Healthy.

Your eating habits are as important as your sleeping habits, so even though the farmers market's aren't out their, don'e mean you can't buy local. The Milwaukee Public Market, local farms, the Riverwest co op, outpost, and even Whole foods and Metro Mart are places to grab local fare.

2. Sleeping Healthy

Get to bed at a decent hour. Even though Milwaukeeans have historically stayed up to drink alcohol, this is not a real good idea, especially when you can't be as active when the weather keep you indoors.

3. Exercise. yes, it sucks, but if you get into a routine, you will feel better, look better, and it is a never ending cycle of being and feeling your best. Just do it. There is the YMCA, the Wisconsin Athletic Club (the WAC), 24 fitness, invivo, bay view fitness, and many other places that are sure to have the right price for the facilities that you are looking for.

4. Save Energy. That means plastic over the windows, turning lights off when not in use, using fluorescent lights when you can, keeping the thermostat low, and if need be, turn it way low and just sleep with an electric blanket. This could save you some serious cash with the price of heating going up this year (curiously oil has gone down!) but of course you could get pneumonia and die, so not too low.

5. Get outside. One way to save money, energy, exercise, and support your local community is just to walk. Yes bundle up, and dont expose your nose, fingers, and sensitive bits and piece, do wear layers, dress appropriately, and wave to the bio diesel buses when they drive by.

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